
Kelebihan Kompos untuk Kelestarian Alam: Apa Peranan Kita? Dalam dunia yang semakin terancam oleh pencemaran dan perubahan iklim, kita semua mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk menjaga kelestarian alam. Salah satu langkah mudah

World Cancer Day 2025

World Cancer Day 2025 Tahukah anda 4 Februari tiap-tiap tahun kita sambut World Cancer Day, tapi tahun ni tema dia memang sangat menarik – “United by Unique”. Tema ni mengingatkan

inspektor kesihatan atau PPKP menjalankan pemeriksaan premis kedai runcit

Kerjaya Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran (PPKP) U29

Kerjaya Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran: Membina Masyarakat yang Sihat dan Selamat Dalam dunia yang semakin mencabar dari segi kesihatan awam, kerjaya sebagai Penolong Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran (PPKP) memainkan peranan penting dalam

Life as a Distance Learning Student

Effective Time Management Traditionally, most people find the norm in education to involve lectures in physical classrooms.  Tutor-student interaction is perceived as being only physical.  With innovations, virtual learning has

How to Organise Your Studies for Success

Stay Focused on Your Studies There is a phrase called ‘Decision Fatigue’ which may be weighing you down. I first heard about this procrastination phenomenon in a talk by Kerwin

4th Workshop “Advanced Materials”

Capacity Building Workshop on Distance Learning Running a capacity building workshop on Distance Learning for Estuar university, jointly organised by the University of London Centre for Distance Education (CDE) and

How to Choose a Business Program at University

Environment Choosing one with an international perspective offers excellent practice for the global economic environment in which today’s businesses operate. In fact, according to the results of French human resource


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?