
Spend your next few years studying at a center of intensive scholarship and taking advantage of our multidimensional academic experience.


Postgraduate programs

At Faculty of Health Sciences Universiti Selangor, we offer a deep dive into the world of healthcare. Explore our comprehensive curriculum within our Master of Life Science program, where you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to become a leader in your field. For those seeking further exploration, consider combining your studies with relevant courses offered across the university, creating a personalized path tailored to your specific interests.

Medical Disgnostic

How to Apply?

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?