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Faculty of Health Sciences

"Leading Health & Excellence"

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Our Programs

Our programs aim to produce knowledgeable, skilled, and competent healthcare professionals and practitioners in the real working environment.

Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Hons)

This program is designed to provide a vocationally oriented qualification, which will prepare graduates for employment in the diagnostic laboratory, medical research, biotechnology, biological manufacturing or the pharmaceutical industry.

Bachelor of Occupational Safety and Health (Hons)

The core subjects for this program are such as industrial hygiene, ergonomics, occupational safety and health (OSH) legislation, OSH management system, industrial safety, hazard control, risk management and occupational health, accident investigation, chemical safety and OSH promotion.

Diploma in Nursing

The program will take 3 years and endorsed by the Malaysian Nursing Board. Students will learn Health Sciences, Behavioral Science and also Nursing Sciences to become a qualified, competent and safe nurse.

Diploma in Environmental Health

Diploma in Environmental Health is a three years program which students are exposing to the public health, environmental protection, food safety, legal procedures and occupational safety and health.

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology

Courses involving theory and laboratory sessions are held at UNISEL and the students are given the opportunity to undergo a clinical attachment in a hospital or a private pathological laboratory to work under real-life clinical conditions.

Diploma in Medical Imaging

Diploma in Medical Imaging is a 3 years program and students will be exposed to the concept of radiation science, anatomy & physiology, radiography technique & positioning, basic pathology, quality of radiography and instrumentation.

Diploma in Physiotherapy

This program emphasizes in theoretical approach and practical approach and will be conveyed in several methods including classroom teaching, lecture demo, practical session in skill lab and gymnasium and also clinical visit to hospital and physiotherapy / rehabilitation centre.

Master of Life Science

Life sciences field is very well developed and vast. It contains a number of topics and disciplines such as health sciences, genetics, ecology, immunology, microbiology, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, food technology, molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical and so on.

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Cara Terbaik Mengawal Diabetes

14 November 2022 merupakan Hari Diabetes Sedunia. Ia disambut bertujuan meningkatkan kesedaran kita tentang kepentingan


Hari Pneumonia Sedunia

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